Friday, May 30, 2014

Life Doesn't Frighten Me

Since Maya Angelou's recent passing, the web has been alight with posts of her quotes and bits of her biography. By far, my favorite one that has been making the rounds is this one:

"I’ve always had the feeling that life loves the liver of it. You must live and life will be good to you, give you experiences. They may not all be that pleasant, but nobody promised you a rose garden. But more than likely if you do dare, what you get are the marvelous returns. Courage is probably the most important of the virtues, because without courage you cannot practice any of the other virtues, you can’t say against a murderous society, I oppose your murdering. You got to have courage to do so. I seem to have known that a long time and found great joy in it."

I can't read any of her words without hearing her iconic voice in my head. That husky, deep throttle with just the tang of a southern accent. The subject of this quote is classic, maybe even a little cliche, but when she spoke, even the tired worn out cliches breathed with new life. 

I have had her children's book, Life Doesn't Frighten Me, on my Amazon wish list for a while now and was drawn to it originally, not just because Angelou wrote it, but because of the title. I see it as a mantra, something to be said during the dark times and repeated in order to remind the speaker of its truth: Life doesn't frighten me.  

RIP Maya Angelou 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

You Can Go Anywhere!

A vestige of my childhood is coming back! Reading Rainbow was one of my favorite shows growing up. LeVar Burton and his team are bringing it back; their new Kickstarter campaign earned its goal in less than a day! Reading Rainbow will be back on the air, on the web, and free to schools in need. Check out the Kickstarter, donate if you can, and definitely watch!

"I think reading is part of the birthright of the human being. It's just such an integral part of the human experience — that connection with the written word." -LeVar Burton

Monday, May 19, 2014

Insulted by the Bard

Quite possibly the best Twitter account ever, @WilliamHatesYou are tweets dedicated to Shakespearean insults. If you are going to insult someone, do it with style.